Emergency Acts D.C. Act 22-645. Medical Marijuana Relocation Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-644. Community Harassment Prevention Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-630. Sports Wagering Lottery Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-629. Firearms Safety Omnibus Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-607. Extension of Time to Dispose of Fifth Street, N.W., and I Street, N.W., Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-606. Power Line Undergrounding Program Certified Business Enterprise Utilization Emergency Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-605. Office of Public-Private Partnerships Delegation of Authority Clarification Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-556. Internet Sales Tax Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-555. Child Neglect and Sex Trafficking Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-552. Fiscal Year 2019 Budget Support Clarification Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-551. Hidden Figures Way Designation Emergency Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-550. Revised Synthetics Abatement and Full Enforcement Drug Control Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-549. Neighborhood Safety and Engagement Fund Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-531. Warehousing and Storage Eminent Domain Authority Emergency Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-529. New Communities Bond Authorization Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-528. Controlled Substance Testing Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-526. Health Insurance Marketplace Improvement Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-510. Eviction Procedure Reform Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-509. Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-498. Clarification of Hospital Closure Procedure Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-494. Parent-led Play Cooperative Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-493. Access to Public Benefits Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-491. Campaign Finance Reform and Transparency Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-490. Office of Public-Private Partnerships Delegation of Authority Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-488. Fiscal Year 2019 Budget Support Clarification Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-487. Fort Dupont Ice Arena Programming Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-486. At-Risk Tenant Protection Clarifying Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-484. Southwest Waterfront Parking Enforcement Congressional Review Emergency Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-483. Southwest Waterfront Park Bus Prohibition Congressional Review Emergency Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-482. Ben's Chili Bowl Way Designation Congressional Review Emergency Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-465. Tipped Wage Workers Fairness Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-464. Revised Synthetics Abatement and Full Enforcement Drug Control Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-462. Neighborhood Safety and Engagement Fund Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-459. Anacostia River Toxics Remediation Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-458. Fiscal Year 2019 Budget Support Congressional Review Emergency Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-435. Office of Public-Private Partnerships Delegation of Authority Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-434. Fiscal Year 2019 Budget Support Emergency Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-430. D.C. General Resident Relocation Emergency Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-429. Ben's Chili Bowl Way Designation Emergency Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-428. Public School Nurse Assignment Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-427. Targeted Historic Preservation Assistance Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-426. Eviction Procedure Reform Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-425. Eviction Reform Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-420. Southwest Waterfront Parking Enforcement Emergency Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-419. Southwest Waterfront Park Bus Prohibition Emergency Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-415. Grocery Store Restrictive Covenant Prohibition Congressional Review Emergency Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-410. Board of Elections Domicile Requirement Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-405. Campaign Finance Reform and Transparency Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-404. Fort Dupont Ice Arena Programming Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-403. Golden Triangle Business Improvement District Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-402. At-Risk Tenant Protection Clarifying Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-401. Credit Protection Fee Waiver Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-393. Community Violence Intervention Fund Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-391. Attorney General Limited Grant-Making Authority Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-390. Helicopter Landing Pad Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-389. MLB All-Star Game Stadium Special Events Zone Emergency Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-388. Anacostia River Toxics Remediation Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-387. All-Terrain Vehicle Clarification Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-363. Commission on the Arts and Humanities Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-362. 2018 All-Star Game and World Cup Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-334. Medical Marijuana Certified Business Enterprise Preference Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-333. Extension of Time to Dispose of 8th [and] O Streets, N.W., Congressional Review Emergency Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-332. Lawrence E. Boone Elementary School Designation Emergency Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-331. Boris Nemtsov Plaza Designation Congressional Review Emergency Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-330. Swampoodle Park Designation Emergency Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-329. Watkins Alley Designation Emergency Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-327. Southwest Waterfront Exemption Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-316. Dedicated Funding for the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Emergency Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-311. Mental Health Information Disclosure Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-310. Preservation of Electronic Recordings of Meetings Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-299. Grocery Store Restrictive Covenant Prohibition Emergency Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-295. Lincoln Court Designation Congressional Review Emergency Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-288. Board of Elections Domicile Requirement Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-287. Personal Delivery Device Pilot Program Extension Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-273. Pools Without Penalties Emergency Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-269. Child Neglect and Sex Trafficking Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-266. Defending Access to Women's Health Care Services Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-256. Adult Career Pathways Task Force Expansion Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-240. Extension of Time to Dispose of 8th [and] O Streets, N.W., Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-238. Washington Metrorail Safety Commission Board of Directors Appointment Emergency Amendment Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-235. Boris Nemtsov Plaza Designation Emergency Act of 2018. D.C. Act 22-227. Homeless Shelter Replacement Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-225. Personal Delivery Device Pilot Program Extension Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-221. Medical Necessity Review Criteria Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-213. Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Support Clarification Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-211. Controlled Substance Testing Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-210. Lincoln Court Designation Emergency Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-204. Department of Health Care Finance Independent Procurement Authority Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-196. Government Employer-Assisted Housing Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-195. Medical Respite Services Exemption Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-183. Southwest Waterfront Park Bus Prohibition Emergency Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-182. Business Improvement Districts Tax Exemption Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-179. Public School Nurse Assignment Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-171. Public Employee Relations Board Term Limit Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-168. Washington Metrorail Safety Commission Board of Directors Appointment Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-167. Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Support Congressional Review Emergency Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-166. Campaign Finance Reform and Transparency Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-165. Standard of Care for Animals Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-164. At-Risk Tenant Protection Clarifying Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-163. Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Support Clarification Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-162. Capitol Riverfront Business Improvement District Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-161. Fort Dupont Ice Arena Programming Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-160. Ethics Board Quorum Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-159. Voter Rolls Protection Congressional Review Emergency Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-155. Credit Protection Fee Waiver Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-154. Dining with Dogs Emergency Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-149. Southwest Waterfront Parking Enforcement Emergency Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-148. Inclusionary Zoning Consistency Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-147. Public School Nurse Assignment Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-146. Access to Emergency Epinephrine in Schools Clarification Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-138. McGill Alley Designation Emergency Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-137. Standard of Care for Animals Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-122. Capitol Riverfront Business Improvement District Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-110. Unity Health Care, Inc. Certificate of Need Maximum Fee Establishment Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-109. Medical Marijuana Cultivation Center Relocation Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-108. Voter Rolls Protection Emergency Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-107. Fort Dupont Ice Arena Programming Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-106. Primary Date Alteration Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-104. Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Support Emergency Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-103. Southwest Waterfront Exemption Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-95. Commission on the Arts and Humanities Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-88. Leave and Retirement Modifications for Chief of Police Peter Newsham Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-83. Medical Marijuana Certified Business Enterprise Preference Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-76. Inclusionary Zoning Consistency Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-75. Primary Date Alteration Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-74. Medical Marijuana Cultivation Center Relocation Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-73. St. Mary's Way Designation Emergency Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-61. Child Neglect and Sex Trafficking Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-56. Electric Company Infrastructure Improvement Financing Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-55. Grocery Store Restrictive Covenant Prohibition Emergency Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-49. Defending Access to Women's Health Care Services Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-35. Advisory Neighborhood Commissions Transfer Authorization Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-34. Campaign Finance Reform and Transparency Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-33. Wage Theft Prevention Clarification and Overtime Fairness Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-31. Stun Gun Regulation Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-29. Council Independent Authority Clarification Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-25. Land Disposition Transparency Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-24. Williams Alley Designation Emergency Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-23. At-Risk Tenant Protection Clarifying Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-19. Tampering with a Detection Device Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-18. Medical Marijuana Dispensary Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-17. H Street, N.E., Retail Priority Area Clarification Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-15. Public School Nurse Assignment Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-8. Extreme Weather Protection for Animals Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-4. Elderly Tenant and Tenant with a Disability Protection Emergency Amendment Act of 2017. D.C. Act 22-3. Access to Emergency Epinephrine in Schools Clarification Congressional Review Emergency Amendment Act of 2017.