§ 32–531.12. Enforcement and penalties.
(a)(1) An employee or similarly situated employees injured by a violation of this subchapter shall be entitled to maintain a civil action or an administrative action.
(2) When an administrative complaint is filed against any employer or other person alleged to have violated this subchapter, a hearing by an administrative law judge shall be scheduled following the same procedure available in § 32-1308.01 for a violation of Chapter 13 of this title [§ 32-1301 et seq.].
(b) If an employer fails to allow an employee to use paid leave as required by this subchapter, the employer shall pay $500 in additional damages to the employee for each accrued day denied, regardless of whether the employee takes unpaid leave or reports to work on that day.
(c) Except as provided in § 32-531.09(b), an employer who willfully violates the requirements of this subchapter shall be subject to a civil penalty for each affected employee of $1,000 for the 1st offense, $1,500 for the 2nd offense, and $2,000 for the 3rd and each subsequent offense.
(d) If the Mayor determines that an employer has violated any provision of this subchapter, the Mayor shall order the employer to provide affirmative remedies including:
(1) Back pay for lost wages caused by the employer’s violation of this subchapter;
(2) Reinstatement or other injunctive relief;
(3) Compensatory damages, punitive damages, and additional damages as provided in subsection (b) of this section; and
(4) Reasonable attorney’s fees and costs of enforcement.
(e) An action may be maintained against any employer in a court of competent jurisdiction by any one or more employees for and on behalf of himself or themselves. An employer who violates the provisions of this subchapter shall be liable to the employee or employees affected for:
(1) Back pay for lost wages caused by the employer’s violation of this subchapter;
(2) Reinstatement or other injunctive relief;
(3) Compensatory damages, punitive damages, and additional damages as provided in subsection (b) of this section; and
(4) Reasonable attorney’s fees and costs.
(f)(1) Where compliance with this subchapter or regulations enacted to implement this subchapter is not forthcoming, the Mayor shall take any appropriate enforcement action to secure compliance, including initiating a civil action and, except where prohibited by another law, revoking or suspending any registration certificates, permits or licenses held or requested by the employer or person until the violation is remedied.
(2) To compensate the District for the costs of investigating and remedying the violation, the Department of Employment Services may also order the violating employer or person to pay to the District a sum of not more than $500 for each day or portion thereof and for each employee or person as to whom the violation occurred or continued. The funds recovered by the District under this subchapter shall be allocated to offset the costs of implementing and enforcing this subchapter.
(g) In any administrative or civil action brought under this subchapter, the Mayor or court shall award interest on all amounts due and unpaid at the rate of interest specified in § 28-3302(b) or § 28-3302(c).
(h) Any money awarded to an employee under this subchapter shall be enforceable by the employee to whom the debt is owed or may be collected by the District on behalf of the employee.
(i) The administrative fines and penalties collected under this section shall be deposited into the Wage Theft Prevention Fund, established by § 32-1307.01.