Code of the District of Columbia

§ 10–551.07e. Government Space Maintenance and Repair Transparency Dashboard.

(a) Beginning no later than December 31, 2024, the Department shall publish a dashboard referencing all open facility maintenance work orders for client agencies not exempted by subsection (e)(2) of this section, updated daily (except Saturdays, Sundays, and legal public holidays) to reflect changes in work order status and newly opened work orders. The information published on the dashboard shall be available for download.

(b) Repealed.

(c) Repealed.

(d) For purposes of this section, the term:

(1) "Client agency" means a District agency for which the Department provides facility maintenance services, including the District of Columbia Public Schools and the Department of Parks and Recreation.

(2) "Dashboard" means a publicly accessible online data interface that shares information on all facility maintenance work orders submitted to the Department, including at least the following information for each work order:

(A) The facility impacted;

(B) The location of the issue;

(C) A description of the type of issue;

(D) The date the work order was requested;

(E) The work order number;

(F) Any prioritization level that the Department or client agency has assigned;

(G) The status of the work order; and

(H) If the work order remains open, an estimated completion date.

(3) "HVAC Watch List" means the Department's tracking system for identifying District of Columbia Public Schools facilities with disruptions in their heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning system.

(d-1) Beginning no later than December 31, 2024, the Department shall publish analytics on its overall performance during the most recently completed and current fiscal year, including:

(1) The number of approved work orders per client agency;

(2) The percentage of work orders at each priority level completed on time;

(3) The average number of days to complete work orders for each client agency;

(4) The number of preventative maintenance tasks completed for each client agency;

(5) The number of District of Columbia Public Schools facilities on each tier of the Department's HVAC Watch List updated at least weekly; and

(6) Any other analytics the Department deems appropriate for publication.

(e)(1) For each District of Columbia Public School facility, the Department shall work with the principal or the principal's designee and members of the local school advisory team to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the facility's compliance with the following security objectives at least once per year:

(A) All interior doors to instructional and regularly used administrative spaces shall close automatically and lock securely;

(B) All exterior doors shall close automatically and lock securely;

(C) All exterior windows shall lock or latch from the interior in a manner that allows school personnel to secure the windows to prevent improper entry;

(D) Public address systems shall be clearly audible in all instructional and regularly used administrative spaces;

(E) Fire alarm systems shall be in full working order; and

(F) Security surveillance systems shall be fully operational, with properly installed and oriented cameras, intrusion alarms, and proper connections to a central security operations hub.

(2) The Department shall withhold work order data regarding any deficiency identified under paragraph (1) of this subsection, including security vulnerabilities at any client agency facility, from disclosure pursuant to subsection (a) of this section.

(3)(A) The Department shall transmit on a monthly basis to the chairperson of the Council committee with jurisdiction over the Department a status update on any work orders for which data has been withheld from public disclosure pursuant to paragraph (2) of this subsection. The Department shall also provide read-only access to its computerized maintenance management system to the chairperson.

(B) The Department shall present information withheld from public disclosure pursuant to paragraph (2) of this subsection to the Council at a closed-door briefing convened by the chairperson of the Council committee with jurisdiction over the Department.

(C) Council briefings held pursuant to this paragraph shall be exempt from the requirements of subchapter IV of Chapter 5 of Title 2.

(f) The Department shall ensure that at least one client agency employee working full time at each facility has access to its computerized maintenance management system to enter and manage that facility's work orders.