D.C. Law Library
Code of the District of Columbia

§ 7–2871.01. Definitions.

For the purposes of this chapter, the term:

(1) “Athlete” means a person who engages in athletic activity who is 18 years old or younger.

(2) “Athletic activity” means a program or event, including practice and competition, organized as part of a school-sponsored, interscholastic-athletic program, an athletic program sponsored by the Department of Parks and Recreation, or an athletic program under the auspices of a nonprofit or for-profit organization. The term “athletic activity” includes participation in physical education classes that are part of a school curriculum.

(3) “Concussion” means a traumatic injury to the brain causing a change in a person’s mental status at the time of the injury, such as feeling dazed, disoriented, or confused, which may or may not involve a loss of consciousness, resulting from:

(A) A fall;

(B) A blow or jolt to the head or body;

(C) The shaking or spinning of the head or body; or

(D) The acceleration and deceleration of the head.

(4) “School” means a public school operated under the authority of the Mayor and any charter, parochial, or private school in the District.

§ 7–2871.02. Concussion protection.

(a) An athlete who is suspected of sustaining a concussion in an athletic activity shall be immediately removed from physical participation in the athletic activity.

(b) An athlete who has been removed from an athletic activity may not return to physical participation in the athletic activity until he or she has been evaluated by a licensed or certified health-care provider and receives written clearance to return to physical participation in the athletic activity from the evaluating health-care provider.

§ 7–2871.03. Training program.

(a) The Mayor shall establish, through rulemaking, a training program on:

(1) The nature and risk of a concussion;

(2) The criteria for the removal of an athlete from physical participation in an athletic activity and his or her return to it; and

(3) The risks to an athlete of not reporting an injury and continuing to physically participate in the athletic activity.

(b) The Mayor shall determine, through rulemaking, which individuals shall be required to complete the training program.

(c) In addition to those individuals required to complete the training program, the Department of Health may make the program available to any interested individual, including school personnel, parents, students, and athletes.

§ 7–2871.04. Materials development and distribution.

(a) The Department of Health shall create educational materials on the nature and risk of concussions.

(b) Before an athlete may participate in an athletic activity, the organizing entity shall provide the educational materials developed pursuant to subsection (a) of this section to the athlete and the parent or guardian of the athlete. The athlete and the parent or guardian of the athlete shall sign a statement acknowledging receipt of the materials and return it to the organizing entity before the athlete shall be allowed to participate in the athletic activity.

§ 7–2871.05. Rules.

(a)(1) Within 120 days of October 20, 2011, the Mayor, pursuant to subchapter I of Chapter 5 of Title 2 [§ 2-501 et seq.], shall issue rules to implement the provisions of this chapter.

(b) The Mayor, through rulemaking, may expand the authority of this chapter to include athletic activities that are non-interscholastic school-sponsored or organized by a non-governmental organization.