§ 5–113.01. Records required to be maintained; budget and staffing transparency.
(a) The Mayor of the District of Columbia shall cause the Metropolitan Police force to keep the following records:
(1) General complaint files, in which shall be entered every complaint preferred upon personal knowledge of the circumstances thereof, with the name and residence of the complainant;
(2) Records of lost, missing, or stolen property;
(3) A personnel record of each member of the Metropolitan Police force, which shall contain his name and residence; the date and place of his birth; his marital status; the date he became a citizen, if foreign born; his age; his former occupation; and the dates of his appointment and separation from office, together with the cause of the latter;
(4) Arrest books, which shall contain the following information:
(A) Case number, date of arrest, and time of recording arrest in arrest book;
(B) Name, address, date of birth, color, birthplace, occupation, and marital status of person arrested;
(C) Offense with which person arrested was charged and place where person was arrested;
(D) Name and address of complainant;
(E) Name of arresting officer; and
(F) Disposition of case;
(4A) The Metropolitan Police force shall maintain a computerized record of a civil protection order or bench warrant issued as a result of an intrafamily offense;
(4B) Records of stops, including:
(A) The date, location, and time of the stop;
(A-i) The bureau, division, unit, and if applicable, police service area, of the officer who conducted the stop, at the time it was conducted;
(B) The approximate duration of the stop;
(C) The traffic violation or violations alleged to have been committed that led to the stop;
(D) Whether a search was conducted as a result of the stop;
(E) If a search was conducted:
(i) The reason for the search;
(ii) Whether the search was consensual or nonconsensual;
(iii) Whether a person was searched, and whether a person’s property was searched; and
(iv) Whether any contraband or other property was seized in the course of the search;
(F) Whether a warning, safety equipment repair order, or citation was issued as a result of a stop and the basis for issuing such warning, order, or citation;
(G) Whether an arrest was made as a result of either the stop or the search;
(H) If an arrest was made, the crime charged;
(I) The perceived gender of the person stopped;
(J) The perceived race or ethnicity of the person stopped; and
(K) The date of birth of the person stopped;
(4C) Use of force incidents, including:
(A) The total number of use of force incidents and the type of force used;
(B) The total number of officers involved in each use of force incident;
(C) The total number of persons involved in each use of force incident;
(D) The number of civilian complaints filed with the Metropolitan Police Department for excessive use of force, by police district, and the outcome of each complaint, including disciplinary actions;
(E) If an arrest was made, the crime charged;
(F) The gender, race, age, and ethnicity of each person involved in a use of force incident; and
(G) The gender, race, age, and ethnicity of any officer involved in a use force incident;
(4D) For the purposes of this section, the terms "contact", "frisk", and "stop" shall have the meanings ascribed in Metropolitan Police Department General Order 304.10;
(4E) The following information, disaggregated by school, except in cases where disaggregation could reveal a student's identity:
(A) The number of times a law enforcement officer was dispatched to, or requested by, a school;
(B) The incident or arrest classification;
(C) The number of school-related arrests, as that term is defined in § 38-236.01(17), involving an officer;
(D) The type and count of weapons or controlled substances recovered from any school-related event, whether or not an arrest occurred; and
(E) Demographic data for any student and law enforcement officer involved in a stop or school-based arrest, including:
(i) Race and ethnicity;
(ii) Gender; and
(iii) Age; and
(5) Such other records as the Council of the District of Columbia considers necessary for the efficient operation of the Metropolitan Police force.
(a-1) The records maintained pursuant to subsection (a)(4B) and (4C) of this section shall be published on the Metropolitan Police Department's website biannually.
(b) The Metropolitan Police force shall cooperate with the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council by sharing records to the extent otherwise permissible under the law for the purpose of preparing the report described in § 22-4234(b-3).
(c) The Metropolitan Police Department ("MPD") shall publish the following information on its website:
(1) Monthly, for the prior 5 fiscal years and the current fiscal year, to date, by month:
(A) A staffing report of the number of sworn officers and civilian employees employed by MPD, by bureau, division, unit, and, if applicable, police service area and rank, with a crosswalk to compare actual staffing to funded and unfunded full-time equivalents in that bureau, division, unit, and if applicable, police service area and rank;
(B) The number of employees that:
(i) Separated from MPD, by type of separation, broken down by civilian employees, cadets, cadet conversion recruits, non-cadet conversion recruits, officers, and senior police officers; and
(ii) Were hired by MPD, broken down by civilian employees, cadets, cadet conversion recruits, non-cadet conversion recruits, officers, and senior police officers; and
(C) Copies of the overtime pay spending reports submitted to the Council as described in subsection (d) of this section.
(1A) Biannually, aggregated data collected in accordance with subsection (a)(4E) of this section;
(1B) Quarterly, the case closure rates for:
(A) Violent crimes, by offense, committed with or without the use of a weapon; and
(B) Non-fatal shootings.
(2) Annually:
(A) A listing of all full-time equivalents at MPD, in spreadsheet format, that includes the following fields for each full-time equivalent:
(i) Position number;
(ii) Position title;
(iii) Whether the position is funded or unfunded;
(iv) Whether the position is filled or vacant;
(v) Program;
(vi) Activity;
(vii) Salary; and
(viii) Fringe benefits; and
(B) A report on MPD's overtime spending, which shall include the amount spent fiscal year-to-date, by month, on overtime pay and a description of the staffing plan and conditions justifying the overtime pay; and
(3) Annually, by the date the annual MPD budget is proposed by the Mayor and transmitted to the Council:
(A) The approved, revised, and actual MPD budgets for the prior 5 fiscal years and the current fiscal year, the expenditures for those years, and the proposed MPD budget for the next fiscal year, in spread-sheet format, broken down, at a minimum, by program, activity, comptroller source group, fund source, and service level; and
(B) For the proposed MPD budget for the next fiscal year:
(i) The total proposed budget for hiring personnel;
(ii) The gross and net number of personnel MPD anticipates the proposed budget will allow it to hire, broken down by civilian employees, cadets, cadet conversion recruits, non-cadet conversion recruits, officers, and senior police officers; and
(iii) A crosswalk identifying any proposed actual or paper changes to MPD's internal organization, including its various bureaus, and a narrative rationale for the change.
(d) MPD shall provide a written report every 2 pay periods on MPD's overtime pay spending to the Council that describes the amount spent year-to-date on overtime pay and the staffing plan and conditions justifying the overtime pay.