D.C. Law Library
Code of the District of Columbia

§ 47–2762. Ballpark fee.

(a)(1) For the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2004, and each fiscal year thereafter until and including the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2038, or such earlier or later date as all obligations that are payable from or secured by the ballpark fee are repaid, each feepayer shall remit, on or before June 15 of each year, a ballpark fee that shall be based upon the annual District gross receipts of the feepayer for the feepayer’s preceding tax year and computed according to the ballpark fee schedule provided in subsection (b) of this section.

(2) A feepayer that is exempt from taxation pursuant to § 47-1802.01 shall not be subject to the ballpark fee unless, as provided in § 47-1802.01, the feepayer has unrelated business income subject to tax under section 511 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, approved August 16, 1954 (68A Stat. 169; 26 U.S.C. § 511). If the feepayer exempt from taxation has unrelated business income, the feepayer shall remit the ballpark fee based upon the feepayer’s annual District gross receipts that were associated with the feepayer’s unrelated business income for the feepayer’s preceding fiscal year.

(b) The amount of the ballpark fee shall be computed according to the following schedule:

(1) Each feepayer with annual District gross receipts of $5,000,000 to $8,000,000 shall pay $5,500;

(2) Each feepayer with annual District gross receipts of $8,000,001 to $12,000,000 shall pay $10,800;

(3) Each feepayer with annual District gross receipts of $12,000,001 to $16,000,000 shall pay $14,000; and

(4) Each feepayer with annual District gross receipts of greater than $16,000,001 shall pay $16,500.

(c) On or before December 1 of each year, the Chief Financial Officer shall certify to the Council the amount of revenue received by the District from imposition of the ballpark fee during the immediately preceding fiscal year and provide an estimate of the amount of revenue expected to be received from the ballpark fee in the then current fiscal year. If the amount estimated to be collected is less than $14 million plus any amount necessary to replenish any reserve funds in accordance with the financing documents and to avoid any projected shortfall in debt service on the bonds, the Chief Financial Officer shall compute the amount of the ballpark fee under the schedule set forth in subsection (b) of this section needed to provide estimated revenue in the current fiscal year equal to $14 million plus any amount necessary to replenish any reserve funds in accordance with the financing documents and to avoid any projected shortfall in debt service on the bonds, by applying the same percentage increase to each amount of the then-current ballpark fee under the schedule set forth in subsection (b) of this section. The Chief Financial Officer shall notify the Council, the Mayor, and the feepayers of the new schedule and, upon such notice, the amount of the ballpark fee under the schedule set forth in subsection (b) of this section shall be increased as of October 1 of the current fiscal year.

(d) The revenues received by the District from the ballpark fee imposed by this section shall be deposited into the Ballpark Revenue Fund.

(e) Except in the case of street vendors described in § 47-2002.01, the Chief Financial Officer may require taxpayers subject to the sales taxes and fees imposed by §§ 47-2002.05 and 47-2762 and all sales taxes described in [§ 2-1217.12], to make payments of those taxes electronically.

(f) The Chief Financial Officer or his delegate shall promulgate such regulations as may be necessary and appropriate to carry out provisions of this chapter.