Code of the District of Columbia

§ 4–756.04. Interim eligibility reporting requirement.

The Department, no later than February 1 of each year, shall provide a report to the Council of the District of Columbia and the Interagency Council on Homelessness that shall include the following information:

(1) Number of families placed in an interim eligibility placement;

(2) Average length of stay in an interim eligibility placement;

(3) Number of eligibility denials during and subsequent to an interim eligibility placement;

(4) Number of appeals of eligibility determinations during and subsequent to an interim eligibility placement;

(5) Number of interim eligibility appeals resolved via administrative review;

(6) Average time for issuance of decision for review of interim eligibility appeal via administrative review;

(7) Number of interim eligibility appeals brought to the Office of Administrative Hearings;

(8) Average time for issuance of decision for review of interim eligibility appeal via the Office of Administrative Hearings; and

(9) Final placement outcome for each family placed into an interim eligibility placement.