D.C. Law Library

D.C. Law 5-184. Driver License Compact Adoption Act of 1984.


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Law Information


  • D.C. Law 5-184 (PDF)
  • 32 DCR 850


Mar. 16, 1985

Legislative History

Law 5-184, “Driver License Compact Adoption Act of 1984,” was introduced in Council and assigned Bill No. 5-355, which was referred to the Committee on Transportation and Environmental Affairs. The Bill was adopted on first and second readings on December 4, 1984, and December 18, 1984, respectively. Signed by the Mayor on January 11, 1985, it was assigned Act No. 5-249 and transmitted to both Houses of Congress for its review.

Complementary Legislation: Ala.—Code 1975, §§ 32-6-30 to 32-6-36. Ariz.—A.R.S. §§ 28-1851 to 28-1855. Ark.—A.C.A. §§ 27-17-101 to 27-17-106. Cal.—West’s Ann. Cal.Vehicle Code, §§ 15000 to 15003, 15020 to 15028. Colo.—West’s C.R.S.A. §§ 24-60-1101 to 24-60-1107. Conn.—C.G.S.A. § 14-111h to 14-111q. Del.—21 Del.C. § 8101. D.C.—D.C. Official Code, 2001 Ed. §§ 50-1001, 50-1002. Fla.—West’s F.S.A. §§ 322.43 to 322.48. Hawaii—H R S §§ 286C-1, 286C-2. Idaho—I.C. §§ 49-2001 to 49-2003. Illinois—S.H.A. 625 ILCS 5/6-700 to 5/6-708. Ind.—West’s A.I.C. 9-28-1-1 to 9-28-1-6. Iowa—I.C.A. §§ 321C.1, 321C.2. Kan.—K.S.A. 8-1212. La.—LSA-R.S. 32:1420 to 32:1425. Maine—29-A M.R.S.A. §§ 1451 to 1475. Md.—Code, Transportation, §§ 16-701 to 16-708. Mass.—M.G.L.A. c. 90, § 30B. Minn.—M.S.A. §§ 171.50 to 171.56. Miss.—Code 1972, §§ 63-1-101 to 63-1-113. Mo.—V.A.M.S. §§ 302.600, 302.605. Mt.—M.C.A. 61-5-401 to 61-5-406. Neb.—R.R.S. 1943, § A1-113. Nev.—N.R.S. 483.010 to 483.630. N.H.—RSA 263.77. N.J.—N.J.S.A. 39:5D-1 to 39:5D-14. N.M.—NMSA 1978, §§ 66-5-49 to 66-5-51. N.Y.—McKinney’s Vehicle & Traffic Law, § 516. N.C.—G.S. §§ 20-4.21 to 20-4.30.Ohio—R.C. §§ 4507.60 to 4507.63. Okl.—47 Okl.St.Ann. §§ 781 to 788. Pa.—75 Pa.C.S.A. §§ 1581 to 1585. S.C.—Code 1976, §§ 56-1-610 to 56-1-690. Tex.—V.T.C.A., Transportation Code §§ 523.001 to 523.011. *46169 Utah—U.C.A. 1953, 53-3-601 to 53-3-607. Vt.—23 V.S.A. §§ 3901 to 3910. Wash.—West’s RCWA 46.21.010 to 46.21.040. W.Va.—Code, 17B-1A-1, 17B-1A-2. Wyo.—Wyo.Stat.Ann. §§ 31-7-201, 31-7-202.