D.C. Law 25-218. Fiscal Year 2025 Local Budget Act of 2024.


To adopt the local portion of the budget of the District of Columbia government for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2025.

BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, That this act may be cited as the "Fiscal Year 2025 Local Budget Act of 2024".

Sec. 2. Adoption of the local portion of the Fiscal Year 2025 budget.

The following expenditure levels are adopted pursuant to section 446(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 801; D.C. Official Code § 1-204.46(a)), as the local portion of the budget for the government of the District of Columbia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2025.


The following amounts are appropriated for the District of Columbia government for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2025 ("Fiscal Year 2025"), out of the General Fund of the District of Columbia ("General Fund"), except as otherwise specifically provided; provided, that notwithstanding any other provision of law, except as provided in section 450A of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved November 22, 2000 (114 Stat. 2440; D.C. Official Code § 1-204.50a), and provisions of this act, the total amount appropriated in this act for operating expenses for the District of Columbia for Fiscal Year 2025 shall not exceed the lesser of the sum of the total revenues of the District of Columbia for such fiscal year or $21,220,808,882 (of which $11,632,928,283 shall be from local funds, $766,660,429 shall be from dedicated taxes, $1,548,760,490 shall be from federal grant funds, $3,615,272,583 shall be from Medicaid payments, $825,510,099 shall be from other funds, $7,530,419 shall be from other federal funds, $15,174,904 shall be from private funds, $163,546,520 shall be from funds requested to be appropriated by the Congress as federal payments pursuant to the Fiscal Year 2025 Federal Portion Budget Request Act of 2024, passed on May 7, 2025 (Enrolled version of Bill 25-786) ("Fiscal Year 2025 Federal Portion Budget Request Act of 2024") and federal payment funds for COVID relief, $275,660,258 shall be from enterprise and other funds – dedicated taxes, and $2,369,764,897 shall be from enterprise and other funds); provided further, that of the local funds, such amounts as may be necessary may be derived from the General Fund balance; provided further, that amounts appropriated under this act may be increased by proceeds of one-time transactions, which are expended for emergency or unanticipated operating or capital needs; provided further, that such increases shall be approved by enactment of local District law and shall comply with all reserve requirements contained in the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 774; D.C. Official Code § 1-201.01 et seq.); provided further, that local funds are appropriated, without regard to fiscal year, in such amounts as may be necessary to pay vendor fees, including legal fees, that are obligated in this fiscal year, to be paid as a fixed percentage of District revenue recovered from third parties on behalf of the District under contracts that provide for payment of fees based upon and from such District revenue as may be recovered by the vendor; provided further, that amounts appropriated pursuant to this act as operating funds may be transferred to enterprise and capital funds and such amounts, once transferred, shall retain appropriation authority consistent with the provisions of this act; provided further, that there may be reprogrammed or transferred for operating expenses any local funds transferred or reprogrammed in this or the 4 prior fiscal years from operating funds to capital funds, and such amounts, once transferred or reprogrammed, shall retain appropriation authority consistent with the provisions of this act; except, that there may not be reprogrammed for operating expenses any funds derived from bonds, notes, or other obligations issued for capital projects; provided further, that the local funds (including dedicated taxes) and other funds appropriated by this act may be reprogrammed and transferred as provided in Subchapter IV of Chapter 3 of Title 47 of the District of Columbia Official Code, or as otherwise provided by law, through November 15, 2025; provided further, that local funds and other funds appropriated under this act may be expended by the Mayor for the purpose of providing food and beverages, not to exceed $30 per employee per day, to employees of the District of Columbia government while such employees are deployed in response to or during a declared snow or other emergency; provided further, that local funds and other funds appropriated under this act may be expended by the Mayor to provide food and lodging, in amounts not to exceed the General Services Administration per diem rates, for youth, young adults, and their parents or guardians who participate in a program of the District of Columbia government that involves overnight travel outside the District of Columbia; provided further, that notwithstanding any other provision of law, local funds are appropriated, without regard to fiscal year, to the extent such funds are certified as available by the Chief Financial Officer of the District of Columbia, to pay termination costs of multiyear contracts entered into by the District of Columbia during this fiscal year, to design, construct, improve, maintain, operate, manage, or finance infrastructure projects procured pursuant to the Public-Private Partnership Act of 2014, effective March 11, 2015 (D.C. Law 20-228; D.C. Official Code § 2-271.01 et seq.), including, by way of example and not limitation, a project for the replacement and modernization of the District of Columbia's streetlight system and a project for the rehabilitation and modernization of the Henry J. Daly Building, and such termination costs may be paid from appropriations available for the performance of such contracts or the payment of termination costs or from other appropriations then available for any other purpose, not including the emergency cash reserve fund (D.C. Official Code § 1-204.50a(a)) or the contingency cash reserve fund (D.C. Official Code § 1-204.50a(b)), which, once allocated to these costs, shall be deemed appropriated for the purposes of paying termination costs of such contracts and shall retain appropriations authority and remain available until expended; provided further, that notwithstanding any other provision of law, local funds are appropriated, without regard to fiscal year, to the extent such funds are certified as available by the Chief Financial Officer of the District of Columbia, to pay termination, transfer, or change of ownership costs of multiyear contracts entered into by the District of Columbia during this fiscal year, to design, construct, improve, maintain, operate, manage, and finance infrastructure projects for the purpose of on-site generation and distribution of energy, including, by way of example and not limitation, a project on the St. Elizabeths campus for the construction and operation of an energy resources microgrid, and such termination, transfer, or change of ownership costs may be paid from appropriations available for the performance of such contracts or the payment of termination, transfer, or change of ownership costs or from other appropriations then available for any other purpose, not including the emergency cash reserve fund (D.C. Official Code § 1-204.50a(a)) or the contingency cash reserve fund (D.C. Official Code § 1-204.50a(b)), which, once allocated to these costs, shall be deemed appropriated for the purposes of paying termination, transfer or change of ownership costs of such contracts and shall retain appropriations authority and remain available until expended; provided further, that during Fiscal Year 2025 and any subsequent fiscal year, notwithstanding any other provision of law, the District of Columbia may enter into annual and multiyear agreements with the National Park Service for the purposes of planning, designing, constructing, maintaining, improving, and operating District of Columbia transportation infrastructure and related appurtenances on National Park Service land in the District of Columbia, and may in each fiscal year of such agreement expend such funds to implement the agreement as may be appropriated and available in that fiscal year for such purposes; provided further, that notwithstanding Subchapter IV of Chapter 3 of Title 47 of the District of Columbia Official Code, in Fiscal Year 2025, amounts appropriated from funds received from the federal government under the American Rescue Plan Act, approved March 11, 2021 (Pub. L. No. 117-2; 135 Stat. 4) ("ARPA") or the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, approved March 27, 2020 (Pub. L. No. 116-136; 134 Stat. 281) ("CARES Act") may be transferred or reprogrammed between appropriated funds, consistent with the requirements of the ARPA and the CARES Act and consistent with the purpose for which the funds are appropriated under this act, upon the request of the Mayor to the Chief Financial Officer and certification of the availability of the funds by the Office of the Chief Financial Officer, and such amounts, once transferred, shall retain appropriation authority consistent with the provisions of this act; provided further, that amounts appropriated from funds received from the federal government under the ARPA and the CARES Act shall be available until expended, provided that such funds are expended for the same purpose for which the funds are appropriated under this act; provided further, that the amounts appropriated from funds received from the federal government under the Emergency Rental Assistance Program may be increased by such additional amounts as may be received pursuant to that program during Fiscal Year 2025; provided further, that any unspent amount remaining in a non-lapsing fund described below at the end of Fiscal Year 2024 is to be continually available, allocated, appropriated, and expended for the purposes of such fund in Fiscal Year 2025 in addition to any amounts deposited in and appropriated to such fund in Fiscal Year 2025; provided further, that the Chief Financial Officer shall take such steps as are necessary to assure that the foregoing requirements are met, including the apportioning by the Chief Financial Officer of the appropriations and funds made available during Fiscal Year 2025:

Governmental Direction and Support

For governmental direction and support, $1,189,949,568 (including $1,031,991,178 from local funds, $349,512 from dedicated taxes, $41,269,488 from federal grant funds, $115,613,923 from other funds, and $725,467 from private funds), to be allocated as follows; provided, that any program fees collected from the issuance of debt shall be available for the payment of expenses of the debt management program of the District:

(1) Board of Elections. $15,060,500 (including $14,560,500 from local funds and $500,000 in federal grant funds);

(2) Board of Ethics and Government Accountability: $4,067,321 (including $3,938,065 from local funds and $129,256 from other funds); provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the following funds are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025: the Ethics Fund, the Lobbyist Administration and Enforcement Fund, and the Open Government Fund;

(3) Captive Insurance Agency: $11,371,699 (including $10,521,699 from local funds and $850,000 from other funds); provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the following funds are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025: the Captive Trust Fund, the Medical Captive Insurance Claims Reserve Fund, and the Subrogation Fund;

(4) Contract Appeals Board: $1,973,371 from local funds;

(5) Council of the District of Columbia: $37,222,621 from local funds; provided, that not to exceed $150,000 of this amount shall be available for the Chairman for official reception and representation expenses and for purposes consistent with the Discretionary Funds Act of 1973, approved October 26, 1973 (87 Stat. 509; D.C. Official Code § 1-333.10); provided further, that funds appropriated under this act may be used to pay expenses for employees of the Council of the District of Columbia to obtain or maintain professional credentials in the District that are related to their employment at the Council, including bar admission fees, bar dues and fees, court admission fees, and examinations to obtain such credentials; provided further, that funds appropriated under this act may be used for uniform apparel for employees of the Council of the District of Columbia; provided further, that Councilmembers of the Council of the District of Columbia may use the electric car charging station located outside the John A. Wilson Building to charge their personal vehicles in accordance with policies established by the Secretary to the Council; provided further, that amounts provided under this heading shall be available for the making of payment of legal settlements or judgments that have been entered against the Council; provided further, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the Council Technology Projects Fund are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025;

(6) Department of General Services: $407,270,581 (including $404,651,884 from local funds, $349,512 from dedicated taxes, and $2,269,185 from other funds); provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the following funds are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025: the Eastern Market Enterprise Fund and the West End Library and Fire Station Maintenance Fund;

(7) Department of Human Resources: $21,939,998 (including $13,142,217 from local funds and $8,797,781 from other funds);

(8) Employees' Compensation Fund: $18,905,738 from local funds; provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the Employees' Compensation Fund are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025;

(9) Executive Office of the Mayor: $21,813,704 (including $17,482,608 from local funds, and $4,331,096 from federal grant funds); provided, that not to exceed $25,000 of such amount, from local funds, shall be available for the Mayor for official reception and representation expenses and for purposes consistent with the Discretionary Funds Act of 1973, approved October 26, 1973 (87 Stat. 509; D.C. Official Code § 1-333.10); provided further, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the Emancipation Day Fund are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025;

(10) Mayor's Office of Legal Counsel: $1,835,079 from local funds;

(11) Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments: $1,097,033 from local funds;

(12) Office of Advisory Neighborhood Commissions: $2,532,071 from local funds; provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the following funds are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025: the Advisory Neighborhood Commissions Technical Support and Assistance Fund and the Office of Advisory Neighborhood Commission Security Fund;

(13) Office of Campaign Finance: $7,839,577 from local funds; provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the Fair Elections Fund are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025;

(14) Office of Contracting and Procurement: $30,204,246 (including $27,611,671 from local funds and $2,592,575 from other funds);

(15) Office for the Deaf, Deafblind, and Hard of Hearing: $1,722,017 from local funds;

(16) Office of Disability Rights: $2,053,669 (including $1,426,099 from local funds and $627,570 from federal grant funds);

(17) Office of Employee Appeals: $2,540,221 from local funds;

(18) Office of Finance and Resource Management: $31,681,595 (including $31,458,892 from local funds and $222,703 from other funds);

(19) Office of Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining: $3,656,754 from local funds;

(20) Office of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning Affairs: $2,294,221 from local funds; provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the Office of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning Affairs Fund are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025;

(21) Office of Risk Management: $4,677,239 from local funds; provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the Subrogation Fund are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025;

(22) Office of the Attorney General for the District of Columbia: $161,017,685 (including $99,416,331 from local funds, $29,519,561 from federal grant funds, $31,356,326 from other funds, and $725,467 from private funds); provided, that not to exceed $25,000 of this amount, from local funds, shall be available for the Attorney General for official reception and representation expenses and for purposes consistent with the Discretionary Funds Act of 1973, approved October 26, 1973 (87 Stat. 509; D.C. Official Code § 1-333.10); provided further, that local and other funds appropriated under this act may be used to pay expenses for District government attorneys at the Office of the Attorney General for the District of Columbia to obtain professional credentials, including bar dues and court admission fees, that enable these attorneys to practice law in other state and federal jurisdictions and appear outside the District in state and federal courts; provided further, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the following funds are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025: the Child Support-Reimbursements and Fees Fund, the Child Support-Interest Income Fund, the Child Support-Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Fund, the Drug-, Firearm-, or Prostitution-Related Nuisance Abatement Fund, and the Litigation Support Fund; provided further, that this amount may be further increased by amounts deposited into the Attorney General Restitution Fund, the Vulnerable and Elderly Person Exploitation Restitution Fund, and the Tenant Receivership Abatement Fund, which shall be continually available, without regard to fiscal year, until expended;

(23) Office of the Chief Financial Officer: $231,738,791 (including $175,986,998 from local funds, $1,678,000 from federal grant funds, and $54,073,794 from other funds); provided, that not to exceed $10,600 of such amount, from local funds, shall be available for the Chief Financial Officer for official reception and representation expenses and for purposes consistent with the Discretionary Funds Act of 1973, approved October 26, 1973 (87 Stat. 509; D.C. Official Code § 1-333.10); provided further, that amounts appropriated by this act may be increased by the amount required to pay banking fees for maintaining the funds of the District of Columbia; provided further, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the following funds are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025: the Other Post-Employment Benefits Fund, the Recorder of Deeds Automation Fund, and the Child Trust Fund;

(24) Office of the Chief Technology Officer: $105,462,823 (including $91,106,392 from local funds, $1,700,701 from federal grant funds, and $12,655,730 from other funds); provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the following funds are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025: the DC-NET Services and Innovation Fund and the Technology Infrastructure Services Support Fund;

(25) Office of the City Administrator: $10,344,049 from local funds; provided, that not to exceed $10,600 of such amount, from local funds, shall be available for the City Administrator for official reception and representation expenses and for purposes consistent with the Discretionary Funds Act of 1973, approved October 26, 1973 (87 Stat. 509; D.C. Official Code § 1-333.10);

(26) Office of the District of Columbia Auditor: $7,967,088 from local funds; provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the Audit Engagement Fund are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025;

(27) Office of the Inspector General: $24,009,089 (including $19,496,529 from local funds, $1,600,000 from other funds and $2,912,560 from federal grant funds); provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the Inspector General Support Fund are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025;

(28) Office of the Secretary: $5,333,813 (including $4,333,813 from local funds and $1,000,000 from other funds);

(29) Office of the Senior Advisor: $1,394,068 from local funds;

(30) Office of Veterans Affairs: $1,246,526 (including $1,179,954 from local funds and $66,572 from other funds); provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the Office of Veterans Affairs Fund are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025;

(31) Office on Asian and Pacific Islander Affairs: $1,561,521 from local funds;

(32) Office on Latino Affairs: $6,362,027 from local funds;

(33) Public Employee Relations Board: $1,420,948 from local funds;

(34) Statehood Initiatives: $266,883 from local funds; provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the New Columbia Statehood Fund are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025; and

(35) Uniform Law Commission: $65,000 from local funds.

Economic Development and Regulation

For economic development and regulation, $528,848,654 (including $363,332,925 from local funds, $48,151,560 from dedicated taxes, $37,318,523 from federal grant funds, $72,515,227 from other funds, and $7,530,419 from other federal funds), to be allocated as follows:

(1) Business Improvement Districts Transfer: $57,600,000 (including $2,600,000 from local funds and $55,000,000 from other funds);

(2) Commission on the Arts and Humanities: $48,177,900 (including $47,200,959 from dedicated taxes and $976,941 from federal grant funds); provided, that all dedicated taxes shall be deposited into the Arts and Humanities Fund; provided further, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the Arts and Humanities Fund are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025; provided further, that budgeted funds in the available fund balance of the Arts and Humanities Fund may be obligated in Fiscal Year 2025 pursuant to grant awards, through September 30, 2028, and that such funds so obligated are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2028;

(3) Department of Housing and Community Development: $99,764,738 (including $53,989,058 from local funds, $34,045,261 from federal grant funds, $7,530,419 from other federal funds, and $4,200,000 from other funds); provided, that of such funds, the funds allocated to the District from the Homeowner Assistance Fund established under section 3206 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, approved March 11, 2021 (135 Stat. 63; 15 U.S.C. § 9058d), shall remain available until expended; provided further, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the following funds are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025: the Department of Housing and Community Development Unified Fund, the Home Again Revolving Fund, the Home Purchase Assistance Program-Repayment Fund, the Housing Preservation Fund, the Negotiated Employee Affordable Housing Fund, and the Section 108 Debt Reserve Account; provided further, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the Rental Housing Registration Fund are authorized for expenditure starting at the beginning of the applicable time period set forth section in 203e(d) of the Rental Housing Act of 1985, effective October 30, 2018 (D.C. Law 22-168; D.C. Official Code § 42-3502.03e(d)), and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025;

(4) Department of Small and Local Business Development: $24,782,672 (including $23,800,352 from local funds, $312,000 from dedicated taxes, and $670,321 from federal grant funds); provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the following funds are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025: the Small Business Capital Access Fund, the Small Business Licensing Fee Reimbursement Relief Fund, the Streetscape Business Development Relief Fund, the Ward 7 and Ward 8 Entrepreneur Grant Fund, and the Medical Cannabis Social Equity Fund;

(5) Housing Authority Payment: $187,770,049 from local funds;

(6) Housing Production Trust Fund Subsidy: $21,000,000 from local funds;

(7) Office of Cable Television, Film, Music, and Entertainment: $14,897,426 (including $7,570,859 from local funds and $7,326,567 from other funds); provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the following funds are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025: the Film, Television, and Entertainment Rebate Fund and the OCTFME Special Account;

(8) Office of Planning: $15,110,301 (including $14,434,301 from local funds, $626,000 from federal grant funds, and $50,000 from other funds); provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the following funds are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025: the Historic Landmark-District Protection (Local) Fund and the Historical Landmark-District Protection (O-Type) Fund;

(9) Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development: $47,900,820 (including $40,993,284 from local funds, $638,601 from dedicated taxes, $1,000,000 from federal grant funds, and $5,268,935 from other funds); provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the following funds are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025: the Economic Development Special Account, the Industrial Revenue Bond Account, the Soccer Stadium Financing Fund, the St. Elizabeths East Campus Redevelopment Fund, the Vitality Fund, the Walter Reed Redevelopment Fund, and the Walter Reed Reinvestment Fund;

(10) Office of the Tenant Advocate: $4,175,757 (including $3,506,032 from local funds and $669,725 from other funds);

(11) Office of Zoning: $4,285,704 from local funds;

(12) Real Property Tax Appeals Commission: $2,019,994 from local funds; and

(13) Rental Housing Commission: $1,363,293 from local funds.

Public Safety and Justice

For public safety and justice, $1,912,416,821 (including $1,579,104,290 from local funds, $284,739,132 from federal grant funds, $300,000 from Medicaid payments, $43,396,709 from other funds, $598,000 from federal payment funds requested to be appropriated by the Congress under the heading "Federal Payment for Judicial Commissions" in the Fiscal Year 2025 Federal Portion Budget Request Act of 2024, $600,000 from federal payment funds requested to be appropriated by the Congress under the heading "Federal Payment for the District of Columbia National Guard" in the Fiscal Year 2025 Federal Portion Budget Request Act of 2024, $2,450,000 from federal payment funds requested to be appropriated by the Congress under the heading "Federal Payment to the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council" in the Fiscal Year 2025 Federal Portion Budget Request Act of 2024, $300,000 from federal payment funds requested to be appropriated by the Congress under the heading "Federal Payment for Judicial Commissions" in the Fiscal Year 2025 Federal Portion Budget Request Act of 2024, and $928,690 from private funds), to be allocated as follows:

(1) Commission on Judicial Disabilities and Tenure: $974,426 (including $376,426 from local funds and $598,000 from federal payment funds requested to be appropriated by the Congress under the heading "Federal Payment for Judicial Commissions" in the Fiscal Year 2025 Federal Portion Budget Request Act of 2024);

(2) Corrections Information Council: $1,288,948 from local funds;

(3) Criminal Code Reform Commission: $890,125 from local funds;

(4) Criminal Justice Coordinating Council: $4,582,435 (including $2,057,435 from local funds, $75,000 from federal grant funds, and $2,450,000 from federal payment funds requested to be appropriated by the Congress under the heading "Federal Payment to the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council" in the Fiscal Year 2025 Federal Portion Budget Request Act of 2024);

(5) Department of Corrections: $221,434,789 (including $203,229,126 from local funds, $552,527 from federal grant funds, and $17,653,136 from other funds); provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the following funds are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025: the Correction Reimbursement-Juveniles Fund, the Department of Corrections Reimbursement Fund, and the Inmate Welfare Fund;

(6) Department of Forensic Sciences: $36,057,999 (including $34,673,869 from local funds, $455,440 from federal grant funds, and $928,690 from private funds); provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the Department of Forensic Sciences Laboratory Fund are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025;

(7) Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services: $92,739,895 from local funds;

(8) District of Columbia National Guard: $20,068,454 (including $5,860,323 from local funds, $13,578,131 from federal grant funds, $30,000 from other funds, and $600,000 from federal payment funds requested to be appropriated by the Congress under the heading "Federal Payment for the District of Columbia National Guard" in the Fiscal Year 2025 Federal Portion Budget Request Act of 2024); provided, that the Mayor shall reimburse the District of Columbia National Guard for expenses incurred in connection with services that are performed in emergencies by the National Guard in a militia status and are requested by the Mayor, in amounts that shall be jointly determined and certified as due and payable for these services by the Mayor and the Commanding General of the District of Columbia National Guard; provided further, that such sums as may be necessary for reimbursement to the District of Columbia National Guard under the preceding proviso shall be available pursuant to this act, and the availability of the sums shall be deemed as constituting payment in advance for emergency services involved;

(9) District of Columbia Sentencing Commission: $1,793,052 from local funds;

(10) Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department: $369,339,115 (including $300,371,406 from local funds, $1,800,460 from other funds, and $67,167,249 from federal grant funds); provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department EMS Reform Fund are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025;

(11) Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency: $187,544,539 (including $6,180,145 from local funds and $181,364,394 from federal grant funds);

(12) Judicial Nomination Commission: $337,355 (including $37,355 from local funds and $300,000 from federal payment funds requested to be appropriated by the Congress under the heading "Federal Payment for Judicial Commissions" in the Fiscal Year 2025 Federal Portion Budget Request Act of 2024);

(13) Metropolitan Police Department: $572,948,340 (including $561,635,716 from local funds, $4,884,677 from federal grant funds, and $6,427,947 from other funds); provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the Asset Forfeiture Fund are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025;

(14) Office of Administrative Hearings: $12,059,026 (including $11,759,026 from local funds and $300,000 from Medicaid payments);

(15) Office of Human Rights: $9,956,018 (including $9,554,607 from local funds and $401,412 from federal grant funds);

(16) Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement: $25,713,505 from local funds; provided, that the Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement is authorized to spend appropriated funds for the purposes set forth in section 101 of the Neighborhood Engagement Achieves Results Amendment Act of 2016, effective June 30, 2016 (D.C. Law 21-125; D.C. Official Code § 7-2411); provided further, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the Neighborhood Safety and Engagement Fund are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025;

(17) Office of Police Complaints: $3,309,210 from local funds;

(18) Office on Returning Citizen Affairs: $2,917,137 from local funds;

(19) Office of the Chief Medical Examiner: $15,700,845 (including $15,382,844 from local funds and $318,001 from other funds); provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner Fund are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025;

(20) Office of the Deputy Mayor for Public Safety and Justice: $16,549,469 from local funds;

(21) Office of Unified Communications: $63,665,616 (including $46,952,663 from local funds, $104,535 from federal grant funds, and $16,608,419 from other funds); provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the Emergency and Non-Emergency Number Telephone Calling Systems Fund are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025;

(22) Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants: $109,092,524 (including $92,378,011 from local funds, $16,155,767 from federal grant funds, and $558,745 from other funds); provided, that $31,667,840 shall be made available to award a grant to the District of Columbia Bar Foundation for the purpose of administering the Access to Justice Initiative, of which not less than $350,000 shall be available to fund the District of Columbia Poverty Lawyer Loan Repayment Assistance Program, and of which not less than $10,000,000 shall be available to fund the Civil Legal Counsel Projects Program; provided further, that the funds authorized for expenditure for the Access to Justice Initiative, including the Access to Justice Grants Program, the District of Columbia Poverty Lawyer Loan Repayment Assistance Program, and the Civil Legal Counsel Projects Program, shall remain available for expenditure, without regard to fiscal year, until September 30, 2025; provided further, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the following funds are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025: the Community-Based Violence Reduction Fund, the Crime Victims Assistance Fund, the Private Security Camera Incentive Fund, and the Shelter and Transitional Housing for Victims of Domestic Violence Fund; and

(23) Police Officers' and Firefighters' Retirement System: $143,454,000 from local funds.

Public Education Systems

For the public education systems, $4,220,782,771 (including $3,601,569,061 from local funds, $456,498,343 from federal grant funds, $96,058,194 from other funds, $40,000,000 from federal payment funds requested to be appropriated by the Congress under the heading "Federal Payment for Resident Tuition Support" in the Fiscal Year 2025 Federal Portion Budget Request Act of 2024, $17,500,000 from federal payment funds requested to be appropriated by the Congress under the heading "Federal Payment for School Improvement" in the Fiscal Year 2025 Federal Portion Budget Request Act of 2024 for the purposes specified in section 3004(b) of the Scholarships for Opportunity and Results Act, approved April 15, 2011 (125 Stat 200; D.C. Official Code § 38-1853.04(b)), and $9,157,173 from private funds), to be allocated as follows:

(1) Department of Employment Services: $196,989,745 (including $70,917,907 from local funds, $54,843,943 from federal grant funds, $70,006,772 from other funds, and $1,221,123 from private funds); provided, that the Department of Employment Services is authorized to spend appropriated funds to provide food and non-alcoholic beverages and monetary and non-monetary incentives for participants in its programs, as provided by other District or federal law, and to provide food and non-alcoholic beverages to its employees, as provided by other District or federal law; provided further, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the following funds are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025: the Jobs Trust Fund, the Reed Act Fund, the Unemployment and Workforce Development Administrative Fund, the Unemployment Insurance Interest Account, the Unemployment Insurance Special Administrative Expense Account, the Wage Theft Prevention Fund, the Workers' Compensation Administration Fund, and the Workers' Compensation Special Fund; provided further, that all funds deposited in Fiscal Year 2025 into the Universal Paid Leave Administration Fund are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025;

(2) Department of Parks and Recreation: $79,478,185 (including $77,424,319 from local funds, and $2,053,865 from other funds); provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the Recreation Enterprise Fund are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025; provided further, that the Department of Parks and Recreation is authorized to spend appropriated funds from the Recreation Enterprise Fund for the purposes set forth in section 4 of the Recreation Act of 1994, effective March 23, 1995 (D.C. Law 10-246; D.C. Official Code § 10-303);

(3) District of Columbia Public Charter School Board: $16,576,000 (including $2,150,000 from local funds and $14,426,000 from other funds);

(4) District of Columbia Public Charter Schools: $1,354,437,693 from local funds; provided, that there shall be quarterly disbursement of funds to the District of Columbia public charter schools, with the first payment to occur within 15 days of the beginning of the fiscal year; provided further, that if the entirety of this allocation has not been provided as payments to any public charter schools currently in operation through the per pupil funding formula, the funds shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025 for public education in accordance with section 2403(b)(2) of the District of Columbia School Reform Act of 1995, approved April 26, 1996 (110 Stat. 1321; D.C. Official Code § 38-1804.03(b)(2)); provided further, that of the amounts made available to District of Columbia public charter schools, $230,000 shall be made available to the Office of the Chief Financial Officer as authorized by section 2403(b)(6) of the District of Columbia School Reform Act of 1995, approved April 26, 1996 (110 Stat. 1321; D.C. Official Code § 38-1804.03(b)(6)); provided further, that, notwithstanding the amounts otherwise provided under this heading or any other provision of law, there shall be appropriated to the District of Columbia public charter schools on July 1, 2025, an amount equal to 35 percent, or for new charter school local education agencies that opened for the first time after December 31, 2024, an amount equal to 45 percent, of the total amount of the local funds appropriations provided for payments to public charter schools in the budget of the District of Columbia for Fiscal Year 2026 (as adopted by the District), and the amount of such payment shall be chargeable against the final amount provided for such payments for Fiscal Year 2026; provided further, that the annual financial audit for the performance of an individual District of Columbia public charter school shall be funded by the charter school;

(5) District of Columbia Public Library: $78,466,006 (including $75,842,448 from local funds, $1,256,558 from federal grant funds, $1,350,000 from other funds, and $17,000 from private funds); provided, that not to exceed $8,500 of such amount, from local funds, shall be available for the Chief Librarian of the District of Columbia Public Library for official reception and representation expenses and for purposes consistent with the Discretionary Funds Act of 1973, approved October 26, 1973 (87 Stat. 509; D.C. Official Code § 1-333.10); provided further, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the following funds are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025: the Copies and Printing Fund, the E-Rate Reimbursement Fund, the Library Collections Account, the Books From Birth Fund, and the DCPL Revenue-Generating Activities Fund;

(6) District of Columbia Public Schools: $1,428,381,161 (including $1,358,413,446 from local funds, $37,916,813 from federal grant funds, $7,189,249 from other funds, $7,361,653 from private funds, and $17,500,000 from federal payment funds requested to be appropriated by the Congress under the heading "Federal Payment for School Improvement" in the Fiscal Year 2025 Federal Portion Budget Request Act of 2024); provided, that not to exceed $10,600 of such local funds shall be available for the Chancellor for official reception and representation expenses and for purposes consistent with the Discretionary Funds Act of 1973, approved October 26, 1973 (87 Stat. 509; D.C. Official Code § 1-333.10); provided further, that, notwithstanding the amounts otherwise provided under this heading or any other provision of law, there shall be appropriated to the District of Columbia Public Schools on July 1, 2025, an amount equal to 10 percent of the total amount of the local funds appropriations provided for the District of Columbia Public Schools in the budget of the District of Columbia for Fiscal Year 2026 (as adopted by the District), and the amount of such payment shall be chargeable against the final amount provided for the District of Columbia Public Schools for Fiscal Year 2026; provided further, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the following funds are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025: the At-Risk Supplemental Allocation Preservation Fund, the Afterschool Program-Copayment Fund, the DCPS School Facility Colocation Fund, the District of Columbia Public Schools' Nonprofit School Food Service Fund, the District of Columbia Public Schools Sales and Sponsorship Fund, the E-Rate Education Fund, and the Reserve Officer Training Corps Fund; provided further, that the District of Columbia Public Schools is authorized to spend appropriated funds consistent with section 105(c)(5) of the Public Education Reform Amendment Act of 2007, effective June 12, 2007 (D.C. Law 17-9; D.C. Official Code § 38-174(c)(5));

(7) District of Columbia State Athletics Commission: $1,708,000 (including $1,488,000 from local funds and $220,000 from other funds); provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the State Athletic Activities, Programs, and Office Fund are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025;

(8) Non-Public Tuition: $50,771,591 (including $50,171,591 from local funds and $600,000 from federal grant funds);

(9) Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education: $37,049,411 (including $36,799,411 from local funds, and $250,000 from private funds);

(10) Office of the State Superintendent of Education: $653,803,791 (including $260,803,058 from local funds, $351,881,028 from federal grant funds, $812,307 from other funds, $307,398 from private funds, and $40,000,000 from federal payment funds requested to be appropriated by the Congress under the heading "Federal Payment for Resident Tuition Support" in the Fiscal Year 2025 Federal Portion Budget Request Act of 2024); provided further, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the following funds are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025: the Access to Quality Child Care Fund, the Charter School Credit Enhancement Fund, the Community Schools Fund, the Special Education Enhancement Fund, the Student Enrollment Fund, and the Early Childhood Educator Pay Equity Fund;

(11) Special Education Transportation: $130,760,493 (including $120,760,493 from local funds and $10,000,000 in federal grant funds); provided, that, notwithstanding the amounts otherwise provided under this heading or any other provision of law, there shall be appropriated to the Special Education Transportation agency under the direction of the Office of the State Superintendent of Education, on July 1, 2025, an amount equal to 10 percent of the total amount of the local funds appropriations provided for the Special Education Transportation agency in the budget for the District of Columbia for Fiscal Year 2026 (as adopted by the District), and the amount of such payment shall be chargeable against the final amount provided for the Special Education Transportation agency for Fiscal Year 2026; provided further, that amounts appropriated under this paragraph may be used to offer financial incentives as necessary to reduce the number of routes serving 2 or fewer students;

(12) State Board of Education: $3,746,843 from local funds;

(13) Teachers' Retirement System: $80,981,000 from local funds;

(14) Unemployment Compensation Fund: $5,480,390 from local funds; and

(15) University of the District of Columbia Subsidy Account: $102,152,462 from local funds; provided, that this appropriation shall not be available to subsidize the education of nonresidents of the District at the University of the District of Columbia, unless the Board of Trustees of the University of the District of Columbia adopts, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2025, a tuition-rate schedule that establishes the tuition rate for nonresident students at a level no lower than the nonresident tuition rate charged at comparable public institutions of higher education in the metropolitan area; provided further, that, notwithstanding the amounts otherwise provided under this heading or any other provision of law, there shall be appropriated to the University of the District of Columbia on July 1, 2025, an amount equal to 10 percent of the total amount of the local funds appropriations provided for the University of the District of Columbia in the budget of the District of Columbia for Fiscal Year 2026 (as adopted by the District), and the amount of such payment shall be chargeable against the final amount provided for the University of the District of Columbia for Fiscal Year 2026; provided further, that not to exceed $10,600 of such local funds shall be available for the President of the University of the District of Columbia for official reception and representation expenses and for purposes consistent with the Discretionary Funds Act of 1973, approved October 26, 1973 (87 Stat. 509; D.C. Official Code § 1-333.10).

Human Support Services

For human support services, $6,964,497,650 (including $2,498,009,702 from local funds, $240,409,641 from dedicated taxes, $543,179,490 from federal grant funds, $61,605,396 from other funds, $3,614,972,583 from Medicaid payments, $1,222,319 from private funds, $98,520 in federal payment funds for COVID relief, and $5,000,000 from federal payment funds requested to be appropriated by the Congress under the heading "Federal Payment for Testing and Treatment of HIV/AIDS" in the Fiscal Year 2025 Federal Portion Budget Request Act of 2024); to be allocated as follows:

(1) Child and Family Services Agency: $224,370,439 (including $173,681,892 from local funds, $49,603,987 from federal grant funds, $1,000,000 from other funds, and $84,560 from private funds);

(2) Department of Aging and Community Living: $65,015,319 (including $48,588,302 from local funds, $13,153,090 from federal grant funds, and $3,273,927 from Medicaid payments);

(3) Department of Behavioral Health: $386,502,734 (including $296,751,522 from local funds, $66,475,447 from federal grant funds, $4,257,265 from Medicaid payments, $18,630,500 from other funds, and $388,000 from private funds); provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the following funds are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available or expenditure until September 30, 2025: the Addiction Prevention and Recovery Administration-Choice in Drug Treatment (HCSN) Fund and the Opioid Abatement Fund;

(4) Department of Health: $310,028,863 (including $92,329,386 from local funds, $187,544,884 from federal grant funds, $24,404,833 from other funds, $749,759 from private funds, and $5,000,000 from federal payment funds requested to be appropriated by the Congress under the heading "Federal Payment for Testing and Treatment of HIV/AIDS" in the Fiscal Year 2025 Federal Portion Budget Request Act of 2024); provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the following funds are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025: the Animal Education and Outreach Fund, the Board of Medicine Fund, the Civil Monetary Penalties Fund, the Communicable and Chronic Disease Prevention and Treatment Fund, the Health Professional Recruitment Fund (Medical Loan Repayment), the Howard University Hospital Centers of Excellence Fund, the Human Services Facility Fee Fund, the ICF/MR Fees and Fines Fund, the Pharmacy Protection Fund, the State Health Planning and Development Agency Admission Fee Fund, the State Health Planning and Development Agency Fees Fund, and the Tobacco Use Cessation Fund;

(5) Department of Health Care Finance: $4,867,809,070 (including $1,043,110,088 from local funds, $240,409,641 from dedicated taxes, $5,136,131 from federal grant funds, $3,572,144,949 from Medicaid payments, and $7,008,261 from other funds); provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the following funds are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025: the Bill of Rights (Grievance and Appeals) Fund, the DC HealthCare Alliance Reform Fund, the Healthy DC and Health Care Expansion Fund, the Home and Community-Based Services Enhancement Fund, the Hospital Provider Fee Fund, the Hospital Fund, the Individual Insurance Market Affordability and Stability Fund, the Medicaid Collections-3rd Party Liability Fund, the Nursing Facility Quality of Care Fund, and the Stevie Sellow's Quality Improvement Fund;

(6) Department of Human Services: $883,180,478 (including $680,126,906 from local funds, $184,282,372 from federal grant funds, $180,000 from other funds, and $18,591,200 from federal Medicaid payments); provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the SNAP Reinvestment Fund, and the SSI Payback Fund are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025;

(7) Department on Disability Services: $206,692,375 (including $142,523,234 from local funds, $36,983,578 from federal grant funds, $16,705,241 from Medicaid payments, $10,381,801 from other funds, and $98,520 from federal payment funds for COVID relief); provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the following funds are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025: the Contribution to Costs of Supports Fund, the Cost of Care for Non-Medicaid Clients Fund, and the Randolph Shepherd Unassigned Facilities Fund;

(8) Not-for-Profit Hospital Corporation Subsidy: $17,200,000 from local funds;

(9) Office of the Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services: $2,451,119 from local funds; and

(10) Office of the Ombudsperson for Children: $1,247,254 from local funds.

Operations and Infrastructure

For operations and infrastructure, $1,701,112,968 (including $1,081,033,356 from local funds, $78,702,239 from dedicated taxes, $171,630,357 from federal grant funds, $366,605,762 from other funds, and, $3,141,255 from private funds), to be allocated as follows:

(1) Alcoholic Beverage and Cannabis Administration: $14,822,362 (including $1,370,633 from local funds and $13,451,729 from other funds); provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the following funds are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025: the Alcoholic Beverage and Cannabis Administration Fund, the Dedicated Taxes Fund, and the Medical Cannabis Administration Fund;

(2) Department of Buildings: $65,133,925 (including $48,893,878 from local funds and $16,240,047 from other funds); provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the following funds are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025: the Green Building Fund, the Nuisance Abatement Fund, and the Expedited Building Permit Review Fund;

(3) Department of Licensing and Consumer Protection: $38,817,000 (including $13,485,619 from local funds and $25,331,381from other funds); provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the following funds are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025: the Appraisal Fee Fund, the Basic Business License Fund, the Corporate Recordation Fund, the DC Combat Sports Commission Fund, the Occupational and Professional Licensing Administration Special Account, the Real Estate Guaranty and Education Fund, and the Vending Regulation Fund;

(4) Department of Energy and Environment: $319,024,771 (including $27,305,354 from local funds, $141,117,251 from federal grant funds, $147,474,911 from other funds and $3,127,255 from private funds); provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the following funds are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025: the Air Quality Construction Permits Fund, the Anacostia River Clean Up and Protection Fund, the Benchmarking Enforcement Fund, the Clean Land Fund/Brownfield Revitalization Fund, the District of Columbia Wetland Stream and Mitigation Trust Fund, the Economy II Fund, the Energy Assistance Trust Fund, the Fishing License Fund, the Hazardous Waste and Toxic Chemical Source Reduction Fund, the Indoor Mold Assessment and Remediation Fund, the Lead Poisoning Prevention Fund, the Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund, the Municipal Aggregation Fund, the Pesticide Product Registration Fund, the Product Stewardship Fund, the Rail Safety and Security Fund, the Renewable Energy Development Fund, the Residential Aid Discount Fund, the Residential Essential Services Fund, the Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Fund, the Special Energy Assessment Fund, the Stormwater Fees Fund, the Stormwater In-Lieu Fee Payment Fund, the Storm Water Permit Review Fund, the Sustainable Energy Trust Fund, the Underground Storage Tank Regulation Fund, and the WASA Utility Discount Program Fund; provided further, that funds in the available fund balance of the Renewable Energy Development Fund may be obligated in Fiscal Year 2025, pursuant to grant awards, through September 30, 2028, and that such funds so obligated are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2028;

(5) Department of For-Hire Vehicles: $22,855,192 (including $10,100,553 from local funds and $12,754,639 from other funds); provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the following funds are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025: the Public Vehicles-for-Hire Consumer Service Fund and the Taxicab Assessment Act Fund;

(6) Department of Insurance, Securities, and Banking: $36,394,797 (including $296,179 from local funds and $36,098,618 from other funds); provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the following funds are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025: the Capital Access Fund, the Foreclosure Mediation Fund, the Insurance Assessment Fund, the Insurance Regulatory Trust Fund, and the Securities and Banking Fund;

(7) Department of Motor Vehicles: $72,384,773 (including $61,770,667 from local funds and $10,614,105 from other funds); provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the Department of Motor Vehicles Kiosk Fund and the Motor Vehicle Inspection Station Fund are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025;

(8) Department of Public Works: $186,142,851 (including $172,842,754 from local funds and $13,300,098 from other funds); provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the following funds are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025: the Solid Waste Disposal Cost Recovery Special Account and the Super Can Program Fund;

(9) District Department of Transportation: $185,309,928 (including $134,198,490 from local funds, $29,882,106 from federal grant funds, and $21,229,332 from other funds); provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the following funds are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025: the Bicycle Sharing Fund, the Bus Service Enhancement Fund, the DC Circulator Fund, the DC Water Facility Work Fund, the DDOT Enterprise Fund-Non Tax Revenues Fund, the Parking Meter and Transit Services Pay-by-Phone Transaction Fee Fund, the Performance Parking Program Fund, the Sustainable Transportation Fund, and the Transportation Infrastructure Project Review Fund; provided further, that there are appropriated any amounts received, or to be received, without regard to fiscal year, from the Potomac Electric Power Company, or any of its related companies, successors, or assigns, for the purpose of paying or reimbursing the District Department of Transportation for the costs of designing, constructing, acquiring, and installing facilities, infrastructure, and equipment for use and ownership by the Potomac Electric Power Company, or any of its related companies, successors, or assigns, related to or associated with the undergrounding of electric distribution lines in the District of Columbia, and any interest earned on those funds, which amounts and interest shall not revert to the unrestricted fund balance of the General Fund at the end of a fiscal year or at any other time, but shall be continually available without regard to fiscal year limitation until expended for the designated purposes;

(10) Office of the Deputy Mayor for Operations and Infrastructure: $1,349,839 from local funds; provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the Vision Zero Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Fund are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025;

(11) Office of the People's Counsel: $13,970,512 (including $1,025,549 from local funds and $12,944,962 from other funds); provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the Office of People's Counsel Agency Fund are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025;

(12) Public Service Commission: $20,810,940 (including $631,000 from federal grant funds, $20,165,940 from other funds, and $14,000 from private funds); provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the following funds are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025: the PJM Settlement Fund and the Public Service Commission Agency Fund;

(13) Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority: $723,917,612 (including $608,215,373 from local funds, $78,702,239 from dedicated taxes, and $37,000,000 from other funds); provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the following funds are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025: the Dedicated Taxes Fund and the Parking Meter WMATA Fund; provided further, that all funds budgeted without regard to fiscal year for the adult learner transit subsidy program established by section 6047 of the Student, Foster Youth, Summer Youth Employee, and Adult Learner Transit Subsidies Act of 2019, effective September 11, 2019 (D.C. Law 23-16; D.C. Official Code § 35-246), are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025; provided further, that there are appropriated any amounts deposited, or to be deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Dedicated Financing Fund for the purpose of funding WMATA capital improvements, which amounts shall not revert to the unrestricted fund balance of the General Fund at the end of a fiscal year or at any other time, but shall be continually available until expended for the designated purposes; and

(14) Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Commission: $178,468 from local funds.

Financing and Other

For financing and other costs, $2,057,775,293 (including $1,477,887,770 from local funds, $399,047,477 from dedicated taxes, $14,125,157 from federal grant funds, $69,714,889 from other funds, and $97,000,000 from federal payment funds requested to be appropriated by the Congress under the heading "Federal Payment for Emergency Planning and Security Costs in the District of Columbia" in the Fiscal Year 2025 Federal Portion Budget Request Act of 2024), to be allocated as follows:

(1) Commercial Paper Program: $7,500,000 from local funds;

(2) Convention Center Transfer: $199,943,000 (including $1,500,000 from local funds and $198,443,000 from dedicated taxes);

(3) Debt Service - Issuance Costs: $11,000,000 from local funds for the payment of debt service issuance costs;

(4) District Retiree Health Contribution: $63,900,000 from local funds for a District Retiree Health Contribution;

(5) Emergency Planning and Security Fund: $50,000,000 from federal payment funds requested to be appropriated by the Congress under the heading "Federal Payment for Emergency Planning and Security Costs in the District of Columbia" in the Fiscal Year 2025 Federal Portion Budget Request Act of 2024; provided, that, notwithstanding any other law, obligations and expenditures that are pending reimbursement under the heading "Federal Payment for Emergency Planning and Security Costs in the District of Columbia" may be charged to this appropriations heading;

(6) District of Columbia Highway Transportation Fund: $41,036,867 (including $19,847,000 from dedicated taxes and $21,189,867 from other funds);

(7) John A. Wilson Building Fund: $5,515,626 from local funds for expenses associated with the John A. Wilson building;

(8) Inaugural Expenses: $47,000,000 from federal payments from federal payment funds requested to be appropriated by the Congress under the heading "Federal Payment for Emergency Planning and Security Costs in the District of Columbia" in the Fiscal Year 2025 Federal Portion Budget Request Act of 2024; provided, that, notwithstanding any other law, obligations and expenditures that are pending reimbursement under the heading "Federal Payment for Emergency Planning and Security Costs in the District of Columbia" may be charged to this appropriations heading;

(9) Non-Departmental Account: $10,369,263 (including $8,484,000 from local funds and $1,885,263 from other funds); provided, that funds allocated for the implementation of the Reparations Foundation Fund and Task Force Establishment Act of 2023, as introduced on February 24, 2023 (Bill 25-152), shall be reallocated following its effective date pursuant to section 1132 of the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Support Act of 2024, passed on 2nd reading on June 25, 2024 (Enrolled version of Bill 25-784).

(10) Pay-As-You-Go Capital Fund: $242,392,777 (including $26,351,018 from local funds, $178,500,000 from dedicated taxes, and $37,541,759 from other funds) to be transferred to the Capital Fund, in lieu of capital financing;

(11) Repayment of Loans and Interest: $1,252,586,904 (including $1,229,363,747 from local funds, $14,125,157 from federal grant funds, and $9,098,000 from other funds), for payment of principal, interest, and certain fees directly resulting from borrowing by the District of Columbia to fund District of Columbia capital projects as authorized by sections 462, 475, and 490 of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 774; D.C. Official Code §§ 1-204.61, 1-204.75, and 1-204.90);

(12) Repayment of Revenue Bonds: $2,257,477 from dedicated taxes for the repayment of revenue bonds;

(13) Settlements and Judgments: $21,024,759 from local funds for making refunds and for the payment of legal settlements or judgments that have been entered against the District of Columbia government; provided, that this amount may be increased by such sums as may be necessary for making refunds and for the payment of legal settlements or judgments that have been entered against the District of Columbia government and such sums may be paid from the applicable or available funds of the District of Columbia; and

(14) Workforce Investments Account: $103,248,620 from local funds; provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the Workforce Investments Account are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025.

Enterprise Funds

The amount of $2,645,425,156 (including $2,369,764,897 from enterprise and other funds, and $275,660,258 from enterprise and other funds - dedicated taxes), shall be provided to enterprise funds as follows; provided, that, in the event that revenue dedicated by local law to an enterprise fund exceeds the amount set forth as follows, the General Fund budget authority may be increased as needed to transfer all such revenue, pursuant to local law, to the enterprise fund:

(1) Ballpark Revenue Fund: $128,017,608 (including $12,261,624 from enterprise and other funds and $115,755,984 from enterprise and other funds - dedicated taxes);

(2) District of Columbia Retirement Board: $40,187,084 from the earnings of the applicable retirement funds to pay legal, management, investment, and other fees and administrative expenses of the District of Columbia Retirement Board;

(3) District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority: $788,241,048 from enterprise and other funds; provided, that not to exceed $25,000 of this amount shall be available for reception and representation expenses; provided further, that not to exceed $15,000 of this amount shall be available for official meetings. For construction projects, $7,228,509,000, to be distributed as follows: $1,268,452,000 for Wastewater Treatment; $1,774,981,000 for the Sanitary Sewer System; $2,194,292,000 for the Water System; $184,444,000 for Non Process Facilities; $1,106,300,000 for the Combined Sewer Overflow Program; $321,926,000 for the Washington Aqueduct; $61,258,000 for the Stormwater Program; and $316,855,000 for the capital equipment program; in addition, $8,000,000 for Federal payment funds requested to be appropriated by the Congress under the heading "Federal Payment to the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority" in the Fiscal Year 2025 Federal Portion Budget Request Act of 2024;

(4) Green Finance Authority: $43,192,583 from enterprise and other funds, to be available until expended;

(5) Health Benefit Exchange Authority: $41,752,784 from enterprise and other funds;

(6) Housing Finance Agency: $16,943,792 from enterprise and other funds; provided, that all funds budgeted without regard to fiscal year for the Reverse Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Program are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025; provided further, that all funds budgeted without regard to fiscal year for the Public Housing Credit-Building Pilot Program are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025;

(7) Housing Production Trust Fund: $79,997,224 (including $31,000,000 from enterprise and other funds, and $48,997,224 from enterprise and other funds - dedicated taxes); provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the Housing Production Trust Fund are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025;

(8) Not-For-Profit Hospital Corporation: $155,000,000 from enterprise and other funds;

(9) Office of Lottery and Gaming: $352,000,000 from enterprise and other funds; provided, that, after notification to the Mayor, amounts appropriated herein may be increased by an amount necessary for the Lottery, Gambling, and Gaming Fund to make transfers to the General Fund and to cover prizes, agent commissions, and gaming-related fees directly associated with unanticipated excess lottery revenues not included in this appropriation;

(10) Other Post-Employment Benefits Trust Administration: $8,846,834 from enterprise and other funds;

(11) Repayment of PILOT Financing: $65,115,226 from enterprise and other funds - dedicated taxes;

(12) Tax Increment Financing Program: $45,791,825 from enterprise and other funds - dedicated taxes;

(13) Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund: $176,682,095 from enterprise and other funds;

(14) Universal Paid Leave Fund: $137,800,000 from enterprise and other funds; provided, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025;

(15) University of the District of Columbia: $211,568,837 from enterprise and other funds; provided, that these funds shall not revert to the General Fund at the end of a fiscal year or at any other time, but shall be continually available for expenditure until September 30, 2025, without regard to fiscal year limitation; provided further, that all funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the Higher Education Incentive Program Fund are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025;

(16) Washington Aqueduct: $115,788,614 from enterprise and other funds; and

(17) Washington Convention and Sports Authority: $238,499,603 from enterprise and other funds.

Reserve Accounts

(1) Cash Flow Reserve Account: All funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the Cash Flow Reserve Account, established pursuant to D.C. Official Code § 47-392.02(j-2), are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025.

(2) Fiscal Stabilization Reserve Account: All funds deposited, without regard to fiscal year, into the Fiscal Stabilization Reserve Account, established pursuant to D.C. Official Code § 47-392.02(j-1), are authorized for expenditure and shall remain available for expenditure until September 30, 2025.

Capital Outlay

For capital construction projects, a net increase of $3,908,083,000, of which $3,374,542,000 shall be from local funds, $68,574,000 shall be from federal funds, $64,930,000 shall be from the District of Columbia Highway Trust Fund, and $478,436,000 shall be from the federal Highway Trust Fund, and a net rescission of $78,400,000, which shall be from local transportation funds, to remain available until expended; provided, that all funds provided by this act shall be available only for the specific projects and purposes intended; provided further, that amounts appropriated under this act may be increased by the amount transferred from funds appropriated in this act as Pay-As­You-Go Capital funds.

Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement.

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Chief Financial Officer as the fiscal impact statement required by section 4a of the General Legislative Procedures Act of 1975, approved October 16, 2006 (120 Stat. 2038; D.C. Official Code § l-301.47a).

Sec. 4. Effective date.

As provided in section 446(a) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 801; D.C. Official Code § 1-204.46(a)), this act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto) and a 30-day period of congressional review as provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § 1-206.02(c)(1)).

Law Information


  • D.C. Law 25-218 (PDF)
  • 71 DCR 8366


Sept. 18, 2024

Legislative History (LIMS)

Law 25-218, the “Fiscal Year 2025 Local Budget Act of 2024,” was introduced in the Council and assigned Bill No. 25-785 which was referred to the Committee of the Whole. The bill was adopted on first and second readings on May 29, 2024, and June 12, 2024, respectively. After mayoral review, it was assigned Act No. 25-501 on July 15, 2024, and transmitted to Congress for its review. D.C. Law 25-218 became effective Sept. 18, 2024.