D.C. Law 25-192. Downtown Arena Financing Partnership and Revised Budget Temporary Amendment Act of 2024.


To increase, on a temporary basis, the capital construction appropriation in the Fiscal Year 2024 Local Budget Act of 2023 to include funding for the modernization of the downtown arena.

BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, That this act may be cited as the "Downtown Arena Financing Partnership and Revised Budget Temporary Amendment Act of 2024".

Sec. 2. The appropriation for capital construction projects set forth in the Fiscal Year 2024 Local Budget Act of 2023, effective August 29, 2023 (D.C. Law 25-47; 70 DCR 9700), is increased by $515,000,000, all of which shall be from local funds, to remain available until expended, to be allocated as follows to the following new capital project:

Owner Agency Code Project Title Fiscal Year Fund Detail Amount
EB0 Chinatown Revitalization Fund 2025 3030309 171,667,000
2026 3030309 171,667,000
2027 3030309 171,666,000

Sec. 3. Fiscal impact statement.

The Council adopts the fiscal impact statement of the Chief Financial Officer as the fiscal impact statement required by section 4a of the General Legislative Procedures Act of 1975, approved October 16, 2006 (120 Stat. 2038; D.C. Official Code § 1-301.47a).

Sec. 4. Effective date.

(a) This act shall take effect following approval by the Mayor (or in the event of veto by the Mayor, action by the Council to override the veto) and a 30-day period of congressional review as provided in section 602(c)(1) of the District of Columbia Home Rule Act, approved December 24, 1973 (87 Stat. 813; D.C. Official Code § 1-206.02(c)(1)).

(b) This act shall expire after 225 days of its having taken effect.

Law Information


  • D.C. Law 25-192 (PDF)
  • 71 DCR 6747


July 19, 2024

Legislative History (LIMS)

Law 25-192, the “Downtown Arena Financing Partnership and Revised Budget Temporary Amendment Act of 2024,” was introduced in the Council and assigned Bill No. 25-757 which was retained by the Council. The bill was adopted on first and second readings on Apr. 2, 2024, and May 7, 2024, respectively. After mayoral review, it was assigned Act No. 25-480 on May 29, 2024, and transmitted to Congress for its review. D.C. Law 25-192 became effective July 19, 2024.