D.C. Law Library
Code of the District of Columbia

§ 42–301. Present or future and vested or contingent interests conveyed by deed or will.

Any interest in or claim to real estate whether entitling to present or future possession and enjoyment, and whether vested or contingent, may be disposed of by deed or will, and any estate which would be good as an executory devise may be created by deed.

§ 42–302. Perpetuities — Charitable uses excepted. [Repealed]


§ 42–303. Perpetuities—Chattels real. [Repealed]


§ 42–304. Perpetuities—Effect upon estates created by deed or will. [Repealed]


§ 42–305. Title conveyable by anyone claiming such.

Any person claiming title to land may convey his interest in the same, notwithstanding there may be an adverse possession thereof.

§ 42–306. Deed or will necessary for more than one-year term or for limitation upon such.

(a) For the purposes of this section, “commercial lease” means a lease for nonresidential real property.

(b) Except as provided in subsection (c) of this section, no estate of inheritance, or for life, or for a longer term than 1 year, in any real property, corporeal or incorporeal, in the District of Columbia, or any declaration or limitation of uses in the same, for any of the estates mentioned, shall be created or take effect, except by deed signed and sealed by the grantor, lessor, or declarant, in person or by power of attorney or by will.

(c) Commercial leases for a longer term than 1 year in any real property in the District of Columbia may be signed on behalf of the owner of real property by an authorized agent.

§ 42–307. Perpetuities; pensions and employee trusts excepted. [Repealed]
