§ 7–504.10. Duties.
The Commission on Aging shall:
(1) Serve as an advocate for older persons in the District of Columbia;
(2) Review and submit to the Mayor, the Council of the District of Columbia, and the Department of Aging and Community Living, an annual report including comments on the analysis of the needs of the aged in the District of Columbia made in the report of the Director;
(3) Advise the Director on cooperation with federal, state, and private agencies concerned with activities pertaining to the aged;
(4) Review and comment on the annual state plan required under the Older Americans Act. The statement of the Commission shall be transmitted to the Department of Health and Human Services with the plan;
(5) Develop a list of not more than 3 persons the Commission recommends for the position of Director of the Department of Aging and Community Living, whenever that position is vacant, and submit that list to the Mayor;
(6) Conduct or participate in public hearings and other forums to determine views of older persons and other members of the public on matters affecting the health, safety and welfare of the aged in the District of Columbia;
(7) Bring to the attention of the Mayor and the Department of Aging and Community Living cases of neglect and abuse of the aged and incidents of bias against the aged in the administration of the laws of the District of Columbia;
(8) Review and comment on the Director’s review of proposed District and federal legislation, regulations, policies and programs, and comment on the Director’s policy recommendations on issues affecting the health, safety, and welfare of the aged;
(9) Provide a continuing review of the activities of the Department of Aging and Community Living and issue reports thereon at least annually.