Code of the District of Columbia

§ 32–1455. Enforcement.

(a) If an employer fails to comply with the provisions of this chapter, the Mayor shall assess a civil fine of $1,000 for the first violation, $5,000 for the second violation, and $20,000 for each subsequent violation.

(b) Adjudication for a violation of this chapter, in accordance with subsection (a) of this section, shall be pursuant to Chapter 18 of Title 2 [§ 2-1801.01 et seq.].

(b-1)(1) The Attorney General shall have the power to investigate whether violations of this chapter have occurred, to administer oaths and examine witnesses under oath, to issue subpoenas, to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of papers, books, accounts, records, payrolls, documents, and testimony, and to take depositions and affidavits in connection with any such investigation.

(2) The Attorney General, acting in the public interest, including the need to deter future violations, may bring a civil action in a court of competent jurisdiction against an employer or other person violating this chapter for restitution or for injunctive, compensatory, or other authorized relief for any individual or for the public at large. Upon prevailing in court, the Attorney General shall be entitled to:

(A) Reasonable attorneys' fees and costs; and

(B) Statutory penalties equal to any administrative penalties provided by law.

(3) A person to whom a subpoena authorized by this subsection has been issued shall have the opportunity to move to quash or modify the subpoena in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia. In case of failure of a person to comply with any subpoena lawfully issued under this subsection, or on the refusal of a witness to testify to any matter regarding which he or she may be lawfully interrogated, it shall be the duty of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, or any judge thereof, upon application by the Attorney General, to compel obedience by attachment proceedings for contempt, as in the case of disobedience of the requirements of a subpoena issued from the Court or a refusal to testify therein.

(c) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to create a private right of action.