D.C. Law Library
Code of the District of Columbia

§ 12–301. Limitation of time for bringing actions.

[(a)] Except as otherwise specifically provided by law, actions for the following purposes may not be brought after the expiration of the period specified below from the time the right to maintain the action accrues:

(1) for the recovery of lands, tenements, or hereditaments— 15 years;

(2) for the recovery of personal property or damages for its unlawful detention— 3 years;

(3) for the recovery of damages for an injury to real or personal property— 3 years;

(4) for libel, slander, assault, battery, mayhem, wounding, malicious prosecution, false arrest or false imprisonment— 1 year;

(5) for a statutory penalty or forfeiture— 1 year;

(6) on an executor’s or administrator’s bond— 5 years; on any other bond or single bill, covenant, or other instrument under seal— 12 years;

(7) on a simple contract, express or implied— 3 years;

(8) for which a limitation is not otherwise specially prescribed— 3 years;

(9) for a violation of § 7-1201.01(11)— 1 year;

(10) for the recovery of damages for an injury to real property from toxic substances including products containing asbestos— 5 years from the date the injury is discovered or with reasonable diligence should have been discovered;

(11) for the recovery of damages arising out of sexual abuse that occurred while the victim was less than 35 years of age— the date the victim attains the age of 40 years, or 5 years from when the victim knew, or reasonably should have known, of any act constituting sexual abuse, whichever is later;

(12) for the recovery of damages arising out of sexual abuse that occurred while the victim was 35 years of age or older—5 years, or 5 years from when the victim knew, or reasonably should have known, of any act constituting sexual abuse, whichever is later.

[(b)] This section does not apply to actions for breach or contracts for sale governed by § 28:2-725, nor to actions brought by the District of Columbia government.